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Planned, Preventative Maintenance (PPM) Management

Track maintenance tasks and inspections with Zutec

Digitally capture, track and manage Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) tasks and inspections, while linking to your handover information for more precise planned or corrective maintenance.

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Bridge the gap between handover documentation and maintenance management

The shift from building construction to occupancy can present a major hurdle in effectively incorporating handover documentation into Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) systems. This disconnect makes it difficult for contractors to demonstrate evidence of necessary maintenance during the Defect Liability Period (DLP). Zutec offers a digital maintenance management solution on top of handover delivery providing a seamless transition to the Client or FM teams.

Track maintenance and conduct inspections from the get-go

Tracking maintenance history from practical completion provides a complete and accurate record of a building's maintenance history, making it easier to identify trends and plan maintenance activities.

With Zutec, handover information is integrated by default so Building or Facilities Managers can start tracking maintenance tasks and performing statutory inspections immediately.

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Reduce human error with digital maintenance management

Manual maintenance management involves a lot of paperwork and data entry, which can take up significant amounts of time and is prone to errors and omissions.

Zutec can automate digital maintenance management tasks, making the process faster and more efficient while improving the accuracy and completeness of maintenance history.

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All your handover and PPM information in one place

Swap disparate systems for a comprehensive PPM solution where both planned tasks (PPM) and corrective maintenance tasks raised directly from an inspection can be tracked in one place.

Zutec also links handover, O&M, and Asset Register information on one platform, saving time and reducing costs.

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Still Have Questions?

Who creates the initial Planned, Preventative Maintenance (PPM) task schedule?
Our team can create your initial Planned, Preventative Maintenance (PPM) task schedule for you. It is highly recommended that the client approves this list of tasks to ensure its complete and accurate.
Can your Planned, Preventative Maintenance (PPM) solution be used as an Asset Management system?
No, this is not a competitor for an Enterprise Asset Management system, we are only providing maintenance task tracking linked to handover information and inspections.
Do you provide the statutory inspection templates?
The customer must provide all templates, but we will digitise them all for you.
How long does it take to fully implement your Preventative Maintenance (PPM) solution?
The Asset Register must be acceptably populated before any tasks can be tracked. After that, it can be used to track ad hoc corrective maintenance tasks only. Once the initial PPM schedule is approved it can be uploaded and 'Go-Live'.
Can the Maintenance Register be backdated?
Yes, and the Excel Import feature can be used to bulk-upload tasks retrospectively.
Are there any limits on the number of inspection templates?
No, there is no limit.
Can the inspection templates be changed on the fly?
This is not recommended. All inspection templates undergo a User Acceptance Test (UAT) to ensure they are fit for purpose and of good quality before roll-out.