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Zutec for Owners

Gain complete data control over your property portfolio

Easily access, manage, and standardise building records on or offline, while tracking compliance, centralising documents, and empowering residents with our property management software for Asset Owners on one platform.

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Solutions for Asset Owners

Leading Asset Owners choose Zutec to streamline building information and efficiently oversee assets, risks, and compliance

Maintaining a digital golden thread of information across construction projects and built, in-use assets can be challenging when data is fragmented across disparate systems, regulations are evolving, and stakeholder dynamics are getting more complex. With Zutec you can report on asset data, understand and control risk, manage tenants and comply with building regulations, such as the Building Safety Act.

Building Document Management

Challenges with data accessibility and storage efficiency can be costly, especially in the operations and maintenance phase of a typical building's lifecycle. By having convenient access to necessary information at all times, you can greatly decrease these expenses.

  • Access a live record of key building information accessible to all
  • Ensure reliable, safe, and secure information storage
  • Store all your asset portfolio data in one place
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Building Risk Assessment Management

In the world of building management and safety, the demand for effective and efficient risk assessment management is critical.

By successfully adopting a systematic solution for risk assessment and mitigation, managing building safety, regulatory compliance, and potential hazards becomes more straightforward.

  • Adhere to regulations and standards
  • Standardise your risk assessment processes across your portfolio
  • Address safety concerns comprehensively all in one place

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Digital Handover

When contractors attempt handover using internal resources or manual methods, it can result in data inconsistencies or delays. 

Take control of handover procedures, software, and templates across all your projects by specifying our Digital Handover solution for your contractors.

  • Demonstrate your property portfolio meets regulatory compliance
  • Own a living record of your data across your portfolio
  • Improve data quality for a smoother handover

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High-Risk Building Compliance 

The Building Safety Act requires you to maintain a golden thread of information and an audit trail throughout the entire lifecycle of your Higher-Risk Residential Buildings (HRRBs). 

By getting transparency from the planning stage through construction, occupation, and operations you can make sure it's readily available to key stakeholders.

  • Ensure all your in-use building information is at your fingertips
  • Identify data gaps and how to fill them to meet compliance
  • Access all your asset portfolio data in one place

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Data Migration

Fragmented building information hinders effective decision-making, asset optimisation, and compliance with industry standards. 

No matter how siloed or missing your building data is, we'll capture, process, structure, categorise, and review it in one place.

  • Don't settle for O&M chaos any longer — switch to a centralised platform
  • Identify data gaps that may increase risk and hinder compliance
  • Improve collaboration and communication

Gateway 3 Management

Without robust information management, it’s difficult to ensure that assets are designed, built, operated and maintained effectively. 

At Zutec, we provide a holistic approach to managing information to help you achieve better outcomes throughout the lifecycle of your built asset.

  • Choose the right designers and contractors
  • Create a golden thread of information to ensure compliance
  • Unlock the right information at the right time with joined-up thinking

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Cladding Remediation

Law now commits developers to fixing all life-critical fire-safety defects in higher-risk residential (HRRB) buildings in England in order to avoid severe consequences. 

With Zutec’s comprehensive Cladding Remediation solution you can streamline managing and evidencing remediation compliance, saving time and money while ensuring leaseholder safety.

  • Ensure cladding remediation compliance
  • Optimise remediation management with a mobile app
  • Monitor remediation actions remotely in the cloud

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Planned Preventative Maintenance  Management

The shift from building construction to occupancy can present a major hurdle in effectively incorporating handover documentation into Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) systems. 

Zutec offers a digital maintenance management solution on top of handover delivery providing a seamless transition to the Client or FM teams. 

  • Track maintenance and conduct inspections from the get-go 
  • Reduce human error with digital maintenance management 
  • View all your handover and PPM information in one place 
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Still Have Questions?

Why do I need all my building information in one place? 
As an asset owner or a accountable person or principal accountable person responsible for a high-rise residential building you must keep a digital record of information about a building to ensure you comply with your legal duties, manage a building safety and that information can be used by regulatory bodies such as the Building Safety Regulator, Building Control Bodies and Fire and Rescue Services. It also must be:  secure from unauthorised access  available when someone needs the information.  presented in a way someone can use.  provide a building’s single source of truth.  accessible, by providing the information in a simple format that is easy to understand and written in plain English  compliant with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)  While information maybe digital, if it is in different systems and formats, it is harder for find, surface, update and provide access to the right people.  With all you building information in one place you can overcome these issues and build a golden thread of information and a single source of truth. 
How can Zutec help with compliance? 
As an asset owner, you must keep information that describes the building and shows how it complies with building regulations. To do this, you must keep a record of:  how those responsible for the building work comply with their duties  how you will manage the work, so you build what you set out to build  You must share information about the building with every designer and contractor on the project.   To store information about the building digitally, you must provide a record-keeping system. Your system should have version control so users can see any changes. You must set out your policies and procedures, to make sure your system is secure and available for authorised access. Zutec can be your record-keeping system that you need for building control approval, as well as safety and risk management – all you information in one place that is secure but accessible by everyone that needs to access it. With our solutions you can have one central repository for health and safety files, fire and emergency files, key building information, structural documentation, safety cases and safety case reports, as well as manage and update information, with and audit trail of changes.  If you need to understand how compliant you are, our tool will tell you what information you have and the information you need. One system for everything. 
What is a CDE? 
A CDE is a Common Data Environment, or cloud-based data repository where information from projects or properties is stored, accessible actionable and auditable. Information can be updated so the latest is always available to those that need it. 
Why would I need a CDE?
A CDE creates confidence and helps to build trust among the project participants or key stakeholders and captures a complete record of the project or property information with a unique data ownership model that eliminates barriers to collaboration, increasing adoption and data sharing across the entire project team. 
What can a CDE be used for
The purpose of a CDE is to standardize the collection and aggregation of data for construction projects or in-use properties. The contents of the CDE can be vast and include any documentation, graphical model and non-graphical assets, O&Ms, Health & Safety File, Fire & Emergency Files, and structural details.